Candy heat pump tumble dryer

" The tumble dryer is straight forward to use and does a good enough job however it can be a bit frustrating when drying a small pile of sheets or duvet covers as sometimes tumbles it into a ball so have to take it out and undo it unless I'm doing something wrong but can't see that I but overall I'm still happy with it.


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Customer Rating:

Candy heat pump drier

"Can be plumbed in too so don’t have to empty the door water catcher. Instructions aren’t too clear on terms of loads and also expected all to work off humidity when actually only a few programmes do this "

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Customer Rating:

Worth the money

"It’s a heat pump dryer that actually gets things dried. I use the duvet setting, which is 4.5 hours, but seems to guarantee things are dry.

I’m hopeful that the self clean function will prevent issues with fluff destroying the condenser unit (which has happened with other heat pump dryers that I’ve had). Time will tell."

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Customer Rating:

Cheaper than others on market.

"Competitively priced. Upgrade from my last candy. "

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Customer Rating:

Disappointing Machine

"Had this dryer for just over a month and I loathe it, it takes forever to dry and even small amounts of washing rolls up into a ball, I find I’m constantly having to untangle clothes, bedding has to be constantly shaken as it would never dry, usually I try to put one sheet at a time in the dryer, I guess it’s because it doesn’t have a reverse tumble. It’s a lot noisier than my previous tumble and it has proved to be an expensive mistake. "

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Customer Rating:

Hit and miss

"On the upside this tumble dryer is quite functional thanks to its 10kg load capacity, it is fairly easy to use and it is extremely energy-efficient.

On the other hand it is missing the reverse function and the drying sensor doesn't work all the times. In multiple occasion I have to use the recomended 2 and 1/2 hour cycle twice to dry a full load."

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