LG J6 F4J610WS 10Kg Washing Machine

"LG J6 F4J610WS 10Kg Washing Machine

Firstly, I've got to say we are very happy with this machine its very quiet and with a quick wash option you can do a 10kg load at 30° wash rinse + spin at 1400 rpm all within 35 minuets if that’s not quick I don’t know what is.

Yes, it has lots of other wash programs and some are very long but you can also download programs from the Lg Thinq app using NFC off android phone.

Very impressed with 10-year guarantee on the motor for the direct drive drum it moves in forward and reverse randomly to agitate the clothes my old washer just went in one direction. This Lg was successful at removing some ground in chocolate from my jeans on a 20° wash. "

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Customer Rating:

An LG wash day is not a chore, just pleasant.

"Due to sensitive skin and the need for allergy free washing powder, I now have this LG. It is very user friendly, can be controlled by touch screen or phone, programs include steaming away allergens, so no more special powder, and ordinary programs Laundry Is loaded through an extra large door with regular drum direction changes while washing up to 10kg, It also has a good brain and knows the amount of soiling, weight, and required time for a good clean, or by talking to the phone, I just say how long I prefer the wash to be. The motor and drum are one unit and with no drive band makes for a quiet life. With a truly excellent clean and cheerful finishing tune, LG have got it right, life's good."

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Customer Rating:

Good dryer

"Good trumble dryer. I used to have another dryer which was never able to dry the load of clothes I wanted, not a problem with my new dryer."

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

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Customer Rating:

Washing machine

"Did a wash couple of days ago that I would spilt in to 2 or 3 loads in my old machine but this new machine took all in one load and still room to have put more in.

My first wash was a double size quilt just about got it in put it on the duvet setting, came looking washed all over

Very happy with it "

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Customer Rating:

Washed take longer

"I think the time indicated to finish each wash is a lot longer than my older machine. But that could be because it doesn't take hot water from the tap."

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Customer Rating:


"Good enough although we have error messages (twice) for loads that become unbalanced! "

2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

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