king-size quilt drys

"Great Dryer. The door water collector is so different from pulling out the long bucket but is surprising a lot easier. Filters work really well and I can fit in my king size quilt and it's dry alover where my last Dryer would have a damp corner but this gets it all dry. 5 *****'s from me. "

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Customer Rating:

Hoover Tumble Drier

"First town owning a tumble drier - whilst I have still not got the right setting for the clothes to dry properly :-) I totally love this tumble drier… it’s quite loud though but you can’t have it all "

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Customer Rating:


"We have a large family and this has been a godsend

Getting clothes dry for the school run and helping to both keep washing down and helping to heat the house

Nice big drum and rather cheep to run

As usual AO out done them selfs on delivery selection and help with purchase

AO are my first stop for all household electric equipment from my tv to cooker PlayStation and now tumble dryer

Can’t recommend them enough


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Customer Rating:

Well made but noisey and does not handle large items well

"Well built and finished dryer.

Noise when operating is much louder than our old 20 year old dryer which was not expected.

Tends to roll large items, sheets etc into a ball when drying and because of this not all the items are as dry as you would expect when the cycle has finished.

Hence only 4/5 "

1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

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Customer Rating:

Hoover H-DRY 300

"Good little tumble dryer, easy to setup and use."

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Customer Rating:


"Perfect for everyone and everything you need"

2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

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