Great tumble dryer

"Great tumble dryer iam very happy with it, its cheap to run and drys things lovely"

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Customer Rating:

Candy Smart Tumble Dryer

"As this product was only recently installed I haven't yet had much experience of using it and I am still taking time to understand the different settings for this dryer but it is certainly drying OK on the programmes I have tried so far. The only thing is it is a bit noisy but if it is going to save me on my electricity costs with its A++ rating I can put up with that."

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Customer Rating:

Very quiet

"Very quiet. Only a quiet beep at the end.Much better than some driers that demand your attention !"

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Customer Rating:

Candy Heat Pump Tumble Dryer

"The first time using a heat pump dryer. It took a while to find out which setting to use for different loads. Clothes appear damp when coming out of the dryer but soon seem dry. Take care when opening the door as the water tank comes away and if it falls will break. Overall I’m quietly happy with my purchase but still early on. "

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Customer Rating:

Who knew?!

"Never had a heat pump anything before so this baffled me for the first 24 hours and I was forced against my will to read the instruction booklet. I'm still furious. BUT thank goodness I did because now I know which programme to use for which clothes and who knew that WHITES was the right programme for towels?!! Mind blowing stuff. It's a brilliant tumble dryer and now I've learnt how to use it I'm delighted with it. Heat pumps are the way forward! "

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Customer Rating:

So far so good

"Still discovering our new purchase but seems to be perfect for our needs"

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